
I'm Vipin.

a data engineer.

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vipin profile picture


I am a data engineer at Zulily.
My experience lies at the intersection of software development and data science.
Right now, I am working on learning some front-end skills. And this is my first CSS project.
Also, I <3 coffee and beaches.

My Skills.


Data Science & Machine Learning

I came to the US to learn data analytics and machine learning. During my Masters at Carnegie Mellon University, I took up classes in Python, Statistics, Econometrics, Unstructured Data Analytics, Appled Machine Learning, and Applied Deep Learning among others. I also interned as a data scientist with a Pittsburh based startup.


Big Data & Software Engineering

But after my internship, I quickly realized that I like data engineering more than data science. So, I started taking up classes in Java, Big Data, Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing. Now, I've more than two years of experience in data engineering and have worked on both AWS and GCP Big Data tech stack.

Get In Touch

If you love coffee as much as I do.

Let's talk about the best cafes you've been to.
We can code while we sip on a good cup of coffee.

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© 2022 Vipin Gyanchandani.